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Is there going to be actual vore (pred character swallows prey character) in later chapters? So far there only seems to be stuffing (binge eating).

Since it's so early in the story, I thought going straight to actual vore would be too much. Don't worry though, I have plans to add a vore scene or two in the next chapter and plenty vore in the following ones :)

game is ok, got stuck in the mid clearing puzzle and had to restart the entire game. Also got stuck when trying to find the key to the cell (left the shed early and couldn't go back in) and gave up

Dang, forgot about that softlock part. Will for sure fix that!
As for the mid clearing puzzle, it said that there was a restart button on the sign at the start which you could press. Sorry if that wasn't made clear.

No it was but I got stuck in the maze itself (like the bottom right) because I accidentally pushed one of the balls back into the pathway 

Oooooooooh, that explains a lot.
Sorry about that but there's currently no way to fix a back-tracking mistake. Luckily it was indeed at the start so I hope it wasn't too much of a hassle.

Sorry but can you be a bit more clear about when? I've looked through that part of the game where you enter the storage shed, but I couldn't find any issue myself.

If you meant leaving after finding the "fake" keys and not being able to get back in, that's intentional. You're supposed to go back and follow what the character said inside the shed.

But if you managed to leave before even finding the "fake" keys, please tell me so I can look into it further.